How has Cafe Condesa maintained its popularity over the past 30 years?
First, the ingredients. For over thirty years, we have used only the best ingredients we can find and we don´t skimp on them.
Our milk is fresh daily from cows that we´ve met --- whole, real milk. We use local cream and butter and our cheeses are local or homemade. Our vegetables are clean (and organic when possible) and from export farms which we visit. Our breakfast eggs are organic from free-range chickens. Our coffee is pure Antiguan and our water system has purification points at each waiter’s station. In our upstairs kitchen we´re accustomed to making everything from scratch and we love it.
Second, location, location, location. Being on the Central Park in a colonial mansion in a city that is a UNESCO Cultural Heritage site, is a privilege. We love our patios and gardens, the old washing sinks and horse trough, and the meter thick walls that hold secrets that have been spoken through hundreds of years. We appreciate the history of La Casa del Conde, and are glad we can share it with you.
In summary, we have created a “home away from home” that appeals to all -- locals, national tourists, international travelers-- in a central location where you can enjoy delicious food, prepared with love and care, in a beautiful setting with warm and cordial service.